大坪 快 / Kai Otsubo

Otsubo, K., Nawata, K., & Yamaguchi, H. (2024) Conformity-Based Out-group Aggression: Does an In-group Audience Intensify Out-Group Aggression as a Result of Conformity? Japanese Psychological Research. [link]
Otsubo, K., Masuda, Y., & Yamaguchi, H. (2023) “Watching eyes” do not strengthen the behavioral intention of donating blood. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science. 14(1), 26-31. [link]
Otsubo, K., & Yamaguchi, H. (2023) No significant effect of mortality salience on unconscious ethnic bias among the Japanese. BMC Research Notes. 16:91. [link]
大坪 快・山口 裕幸(2023). 文化的世界観への脅威は外集団攻撃を強めるか:恐怖管理理論から導出される2仮説の検証 九州大学心理学研究, 24 [link]
Kuge, H.*, Otsubo, K.*, Hattori, K., Urakawa, M., & Yamada, Y. (2022). Attraction depending on the level of abstraction of the character descriptions. PsyArXiv. *co-first authors [link]